March Meet the Maker

March Meet the Maker

Posted by Beth Cyr Kroh on

Sometimes I have a hard time making decisions. So many decisions all. the. time. So I asked in my IG stories which ring I should finish first and here’s the winner! Thanks for deciding for me - it’s a fun way to not have to make a decision. I’ll finish the other ring next week when I have more time. 

Today is the beginning of #marchmeetthemaker - the first prompt is “favorite to make” and it’s fitting that funky meteorite rings are my favorite. I really want to outfit everyone with a meteorite ring. It’s an amazing reminder of the vast universe we live in. Can you imagine where this meteorite has been and everything that happened to put the two of you together? Kinda special.

If you’re new to following me and/or haven’t seen #marchmeetthemaker on Instagram before, it’s a fun month long challenge with easy prompts that artists and makers from all over the world participate in. Last March I found some of my very favorite artist friends, which is the main reason I’m doing it again. It’s an opportunity to let people get to know you on some different levels and stretch what you share on IG. I hope to make some new connections and give a deeper look in to my world so you can get to know me better. 


If you’re an artist/maker/creator - join the fun! Here is the full list of prompts from Joanne Hawker:

March meet the maker by Joanne hawker

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