A few days ago I started "the garbage post challenge" - 100 posts in 30 days on any platform. It is a challenge created by Simone Grace Seol as a way to just start posting more and being less of a perfectionist about content shared. If you want to listen to her explain and talk about it, it is episode 160 on her podcast Joyful Marketing. (I highly recommend listening if you create any kind of content)
Literally for the 2nd of my 100 posts, I was sharing to IG stories, and I almost retook the photo because the edges were a little off and the photo looked a little skewed! But since the point of the challenge is to move past those blocks of constantly judging things as not good enough and spending way too much time trying to create the perfect post/perfect content, etc - just share! Get it out there. Find the quality by creating the quantity. Like an artist, working on drawings and sketches to learn how to create using certain techniques or materials. But if we don't practice sharing, it will always feel like we're trying to create the most beautiful drawing without practicing. Which would be ridiculous. It's not only okay for others to see our imperfections, it can be really good. Have you ever seen someone make a mistake and seen them so gracefully move on and think, wow! what a role model. And suddenly you think even more highly of them because you were able to see their imperfections?
Writing content in particular seems to take me way too long because I reread and edit and reread way too much... just to make sure it is "just right". Which is great for a novel or content someone is paying for. There is such a thing as quality control. But social media and blog posts and email newsletters? Not so much. If someone decided they don't want to be a fan because I didn't proofread my content enough - that is not a person I need in my life. I need people that support my imperfections and if I'm too scared to show them, how will I know who those people are?
I know that one of my biggest issues is that I do have a concern with "too much" I get annoyed by companies that send me too many emails. I don't want to be another person just creating noise. But then I self edit and I'm making a decision based upon what someone else *might* be thinking. So instead I'm working on posting and sharing what feels comfortable for me and honoring that if it doesn't work for someone else, that is 100% okay.